January 26, 2010

Leaving My Babies

It never gets any easier. I hate leaving them at Daycare every morning.

I miss listening to little feet on the carpet as they make their way
from their beds to mine. The snuggles in bed that start my morning off

I don't get to see the smile on Buckaroo's face when he first wakes up
and is eager to greet the day. How he bounces on the bed because he is
ready to play and knows that tickle time will follow.

My Angel Cakes snuggles a little closer and burrows her head in my
neck trying to stave off the moment we leave the wonderful coccoon of
blankets. Once her feet hit the floor she is a whirl wind of activity,
but she needs the few extra minutes to mentally prepare herself for
the day and wrap herself in the security of our love.

That is how mornings should be spent.

Not jumping out of bed and into the shower before it has even warmed
up. Not chasing all over the house for the missing shoe, and is today
wear blue day or is that tomorrow. Not shoving arms in coat sleeves
and getting frustrated because even in their sleep they know and try
to pull their seems back out because they don't want to go.

That makes days like today more gut wrenching. Angel Cakes was
snuggled up close, wide awake before my alarm went off.

When getting her all snuggled into her bed at Daycare, she looks up at
me with her big blue eyes and asks if I can stay with her a while. 'No
baby, Mommy has to go.' With the quivering lip and tears in her eyes
she says, 'But I miss you. I just wanna snuggle a little longer.'

Work is calling (yes, it is only 6:15 but they still call) and it is
going to be a late night. Give her an extra tight long hug and a kiss
and walk out with tears in my eyes.

Damn! I hate days like this.

Sent from my mobile device


  1. OMG I hate your job! HAte, hate, hate it!!! I almost cried reading this and picturing lil Angel Cakes with the quivering lip asking for more snuggle time.

    Damnit! I'm going to go put my $2 in the lottery pool. If I win I'll start my bakery and hire you to work from home as my...hell, I don't know...something!

  2. Barista,

    Thank you. Your words truly touched me and made me smile.

    As soon as you start your bakery I will come to work for you as your whatever. And I will accept part of my payment in cupcakes. :)

    Unfortunately, we are a two income house for a reason. If it weren't this job it would be another. Thankfully my boss (on her good days) understands that I drive a million miles and am missing my kids grow up so she cuts me a lot of slack on the days I snuggle a little longer in bed then I should. It is month end though so I really need to be here.

    Part of Angel Cakes problem today is that she had a sleepover at her cousin’s house this weekend so we didn’t get to spend the time together we normally would. (I forgot until just now that I never posted my weekend.) She got a little extra snuggles this morning, but not a long snuggle that she wanted. I did promise she could sleep in my bed tonight before I left her so she will get her snuggles.

    It just never gets any easier and some days are harder then others. Today was a really bad day.
