February 1, 2010

A Special Thank You

It occurred to me that I have blogged a lot about my kids, work, my hair, etc, but failed at the most important post. A few months back I wrote a post about work (yes, I see you're shocked) and asked for help. That request was answered as it always is by a special blogger, Barista at Saved By The Brew. She gave me great advice. It has been in the back of my mind since and I don't think I would be considered for the postions I am without it.

She helped me find a way to relate and work well with my boss. The requested lunch never happened but we are at each others desks constantly now, talking about the department, bouncing ideas off each other, and asking each other for help.

Barista has also been my biggest supporter. She always leaves me funny or thought provoking comments, or just a comment to let me know that some one other then me is reading my drivel. I know others are out there lurking, and that is okay to. Have you read her blog yet? Well why the hell not? She is fabulous! She gives little updates through out the day that are just what you need when you need a quick break. She writes with a honesty that leaves me in awe. Her unique way of writing about everyday life will leave you eagerly awaiting her next post.

That's not enough for you? Well she also bakes the most awesome cupcakes. I swear I am jealous of all the people who live in Atlanta and can have her cupcakes whenever they want. Honestly, I have asked my boss on several occasions to send me down to our warehouse there just so I have an excuse to go down where I can get my hands on her cupcakes. Okay, I totally didn't mean that last sentance the way it sounded. I do want cupcakes in all her tempting flavors though.

So while I don't have a great shiny award that you can post on your blog, I do want to say thank you. Thank you for being here, for reading my blog, writing your blog, and being the fabulous person you are. You have made a great impact in my life. You are a very special person and I feel truely blessed by knowing you. I look forward to reading about you finding the wonderful and special man who deserves you and will give you the babies you will be an awesome mother to. How could I not also mention I want to be the first to know when you find a way to ship your cupcakes!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! You are too sweet!! I had to go back and read what advice I gave you...and...well, yeah it was pretty damn good advice :) lol

    I don't even know how to respond to this - it's the sweetest thing I've ever read!!!!

    Thank you so much, sweetie! I always love reading your blog, although I must say that I curse damn Blogger every time i'm here because I have to jump through GD hoops to get my comments to post!!! ARGH!
