February 8, 2010


I think reading someones personal blog is like reading their diary. You are reading their inner most thoughts and feelings. You get little glimpses into their lives, you don't always see the whole picture, just little snatches in time that are captured and frozen. It is also just their side. The person they are writing about has the option of commenting on the post though. I am talking about blogs like this, not the ones people write for entertainment or publication. I have no problem with blogs like that, I read several everyday.

In my case, it is what I am feeling at exactly that moment, right or wrong. I write as a way to cope. It is my way of analyzing and understanding my feelings. It helps me understand what is going on and allows me to see if I am being irrational. I don't write for my readers with very few exceptions. This is my space to write what I want when I want without worrying about offending someone. This is my form of therapy.

It is for that exact reason Hubby and my best friend don't read my blog. They know I write one, but understand and respect that it is my space. They know that if I want them to know what I wrote about that I will tell them about it. We have a conversation about it and they express their thoughts and feelings. People like Barista, who I have come to think of as a friend comment on my blog, others email me to express their thoughts. Either way is fine and I appreciate their insight.

I know I am putting my diary out for the world to see. It is a choice I made when I created my blog. I put my thoughts and feelings out there and refuse to take a post down once I post it. It is for that exact reason I don't post everything I write. Some things are just too personal. Somethings I don't want anyone else to comment on or discuss.

My blog is not my way of keeping the world updated on my life, it is my journal. My way of keeping sane. So if I have offended you at some point it was not my intention, but I refuse to change it.

1 comment:

  1. I totally know what you mean. I have had to have this discussion with some of the people in my real life who read my blog, as well as some of the commenters. My blog is my space to work through some shit in my head and sometimes I'll say "I give up on love!" and mean it for about 4 seconds, but that was my thought right then so I post it...some people think it's completely defining of the person.

    It's a tough line...
