October 14, 2009

Buff-Tober Update Oct 14

What is Buff tober? Go here to read about what I am doing and here to read Booshy's Buff-Tober; the orginal Buff-Tober. At Booshy's you will also be able to link to the others that took the Buff-Tober challenge.

On my To-Do-List is moving my page around so my Buff-Tober post explaining what I am doing will be on top, but that is for the weekend.

This is a mini update for today and will be updated later or completed tomorrow.

Breakfast was good. While I was waiting an hour and half for my sons perscription to be ready I went shopping. I bought some oatmeal and Oatmeal To Go bars for the days I don't have time to sit down for a real breakfast. Since today was my first day back to work since last Thursday  (yesterday is a story for another day)  today was a day I didn't have time.  So being a good monkey I ate an oatmeal bar.

Lunch is a grilled chicken breast with herb and butter rice.

As an afternoon snack because I always get hungry about 3:00 I bought more applesauce cups.

I will update about dinner (planning spaghetti) and my actual buff-ness later tonight or tomorrow.

On a side note: I wanted to share with you my inspiration/mascot for Buff-Tober.

One of my favorite websites to buy stuff I don't need is Woot. On their shirt site last Monday they had this shirt.

The title of the shirt is Exercising Demons. I need to make sure I mention the creator of this awesome shirt is Graye Smith because a creator of a t-shirt this awesome deserves all the credit he can get! It just seem to epitomize everything that Buff-Tober is for me so I took down my kids picture and instead plastered this on my desktop as a gentle reminder to get buff.

Anyway, hope you are having a good buffness day. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love, love, love the exercise demons! How cute!
    I'm here to root you on your road to Buff!!! I started Buff-tober late but I'm here to turn up the heat on you guys!!
