March 11, 2010

Time to Sing

You can tell spring is coming to my Midwest state. It seems like
everyone is writing about it. Why? Why yesterday and today over any
other day? The snow is gone! Seriously, this is a big deal. Yes, the
snow has melted off before but this is different.

This time there isn't a threat of it coming back within a week. There
are still dirty piles of snow in parking lots, but we can see the
grass that has been hiding underneath. And just not tiny patches
between the mountains of dirty ice covering snow, it is full fields in
all its brown muddy glory. The weather has been getting to a more
reasonable temperature also. We have had a few days of rain that
herald the start of the rainy season.

We pride ourselves, hell, we wear our ability to survive the cold,
snow, fog, wind, traffic, and snow plows on our sleeves like a badge
of honor. But even the most seasoned veterans and die hard fanatics
have their limits and we have reached it. It got up to a balmy 58
degrees today with low 50's predicted for tomorrow. It is a damn heat
wave as witnessed by people walking around without coats, just short
sleeved shirts today.

Yes, the days are getting longer. It is barely light when I leave the
house instead of pitch black. Even staying almost 2 hours late it is
still light when I leave. Sunday brings the time change and while
losing an hour of sleep is not something I am ever excited about, I am
looking forward to it.

The kids are filled with energy just looking for an outlet. Last night
I got home even later then usual after working two hours late,
stopping at the grocery store, and finally Subway for dinner. They
only managed to get halfway through their sandwiches and apples before
subcumbing to sleep a full two hours earlier then usual. Oh, the magic
of spending a few hours out in the fresh air.

Even I who was never a fan of spring, I have always greeted it with
indifference as I am more of a fall girl, am not immune to it's charm.
I walked into my gas station this morning to be greeted by bouquets of
fresh flowers. I forgot how much I missed having fresh flowers
everyday like I had in the days before moving to a cornfield. There
was a fabulous florist right down the street from my apartment where I
would get flowers from at least once a week. I couldn't resist
spending $15 dollars on six roses and some daisies. Did it gall me to
spend that much? Of course it did, but I had to have them! I even shed
my winter coat and opted instead for just my camisole and blazer

Driving into work I saw a flash of red out of the corner of my eye. I
turned to look and saw an old Dodge Charger in mint condition behind
me. Nothing makes me go all gooey like old muscle cars. I may live in
a cornfield now, but I am not a country girl. I have a soft spot for
Hubby's old big red truck, but don't go gaga over trucks. I grew up
within spitting distance from an amateur race track. Buying a old
rusted out muscle car and fixing it was a right of passage for all the
guys. Girls were judged by what type of car their boyfriend had.

Turning out of my parking lot tonight I saw one sports car after
another followed closely by motorcycles. Yes, spring is most
definitely on it's way and today was too glorious a day not to revel
in it. Rain be damned.

Hope you enjoyed a wonderful prespring day! Smooches

Sent from my mobile device

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