Boss lady and I have been interviewing people for an open position in
my department. We inteviewed enough people for the position that I
write notes of my impressions once I am done with the interview just
to keep them all straight. Last week, or was it two weeks ago? We
interviewed a lady I loved! She would be a perfect fit. Enough
technical experiance to need a minimum of training, very personable,
independent enough not to need baby sitting; she hit all my key
points. After I interviewed her it was time for Boss Lady go in to
form her opinion. I went home since it was late and hubby had band
practice. I was tempted to call Boss Lady on the way home and tell her
to hire this women right now, tonight, I want to start training her in
the morning. Boss Lady came by my desk the next morning as soon as I
got in to find out my opinion. She was tempted to call me after she
finished the interview because she felt the same way.
The director of our new system put the same system in at the company
that was her last long term position. This is a company that my
company have a very symbiotic relationship with; they buy from us and
we buy from them. We gave her name to the director to see if he
recognized it, but he never responded, so we assumed he didn't. We got
approval from the powers that be, and had HR get started on checking
her references. Since we have such a great relationship with this
other company, HR called them also even though it was three positions
ago. Damn good thing they did. Turns out not long after the other
company implemented the system, there was a scandal in the AR
department. We knew some of this from the director, but it was kept
very quiet. Yeah, so this lady that we were so excited about; not only
was she involved, her and her mother-in-law were two of the
The funny part of all this? During the interview she constantly
referred to her job at the other company and how highly they thought
of her. She also mentioned to both of us that she was the person
responsible for applying my companies payments. She was obviously
aware of our relationship, but for whatever reason didn't think we
would call them. So let the interviews continue.
The temp who all but called me a liar is going to be let go. There
have been enough problems with his work and attitude that we decided
that he is more of a hinderance then help. I was able to reach in my
file of people we interviewed and find someone that we liked, but
didn't feel would be a good fit for the position we interviewed her
for, but she would be great for this other position. So we are putting
in the request and hope her references check out.
Sent from my mobile device
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